Birgitte Norlyk

Birgitte Norlyk is an associate professor at the Department of Design and Communication at the University of Southern Denmark. In her research, Birgitte Norlyk combines a cross-disciplinary approach to business and corporate communication which earned her PhD a gold medal at Copenhagen Business School. Her main research areas lie within intercultural and corporate communication where she explores the role of discourse and narratives as well as the communicative and strategic function of narratological concepts in value-based stakeholder communication. She has published several papers and books on these topics. Her books include Meanings & Messages (2006) which explores business related aspects of culture and communication; Ord der brander: Talk the walk (Words that Brand: Talk the Walk, 2006) which explores the development of corporate genres, discourse and storytelling in a corporate context. Further, she has edited and contributed to Corporate Communication: et tværfagligt perspektiv (Corporate Communication: A Cross-disciplinary Approach, 2010) which highlights the strategic use and function of narratives and narrative aspects in corporate and management contexts as reflected in modern corporate genres such as mission and vision statements, CSR  (corporate social responsibility) reports, and job advertisements.

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