Marianne Wolff Lundholt

Marianne Wolff Lundholt is Associate Professor and Head of Center for Narratological Studies at the University of Southern Denmark. In her research she explores narratology from a cross disciplinary approach. With the publications Telling without Tellers, The Linguistic Manifestation of Communication Structures (2008) and When we get to the end…Towards a Narratology of the Fairy Tales of Hans Christian Andersen (with Per Krogh Hansen, 2005) Lundholt calls for a linguistic oriented analysis of communicative structures in narrative fictions, whereas her publication Fortælling i virksomhedens tjeneste. Corporate Storytelling som kommunikationsredskab (Narratives in organizations—corporate storytelling as a communication tool, 2011) explores the application of narratives in a business contextLundholt has also worked as Communication Advisor at Danfoss A/S (2008-2012) specializing in management communication and developing communication training for managers at all levels in the organization.